You can now apply your block for our 12-week Catalyst Program! Residents will work together on the shared responsibility of selecting, planning, and completing exterior home improvement and beautification projects. They will also gain access to resources & relationships within (and beyond) their block to enhance the quality of their neighborhood experience.
Meet and work with each other.
Get to know and trust each other.
What Building Blocks Offers:
Funding to support exterior home improvement and beautification projects
Neighborhood Leader Academy Sessions to support Resident Facilitators leading the program
Project Planning and Workday Support from Building Blocks Staff
Volunteer Recruitment for Community Workdays
Discounts and tax-free purchases from Lowes
What Building Blocks Expects:
Participation of at least 8 households
Two Resident Facilitators identified to lead the program
At least three resident meetings to collectively plan projects and Workdays
Community Workdays where ALL participating residents collectively work on projects
On-going communication with Building Blocks staff
Participating Households
Block Allocation
Over 12 households
10-11 households
8-9 households
6-7 households
4-5 households
Less than 4 households
may be subject to cancellation