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Students may choose to intern at Building Blocks for credit to count towards their major or minor. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure interning at Building Blocks follows the internship guidelines and requirements set by the school. All students with an open mind, energy, and willingness to learn are encouraged to apply, but these are common major/minors:

  • Communication

  • Social Work

  • Nonprofit Leadership

It is worth talking to an academic adviser to see how this internship can count towards graduation. Apart from using the internship to satisfy particular requirements, many students value the experience as a way to develop additional organizing/leadership skills, to widen their experience working with diverse people, and deepen their understanding of urban problems—all of which can translate into improved opportunities for employment as well as civic involvement.

Majors and minors may require different competencies to be learned throughout the internship, so it is the student’s responsibility to let Building Blocks know the required learning objectives and help integrate them into the internship. Building Blocks also encourages students to tailor the internship based on self-interests. Here are some possible internship responsibilities:

  • Fundraising 

  • Event Planning

  • Annual Appeal

  • Grant writing

  • Social Media

  • Marketing/Communication

  • Committee Work

Student Organizer:

Building Blocks Organizers are integral members of the organizing team, and as such will share major responsibilities, both for helping to coordinate/plan target site programming, and for carrying out specific tasks supportive of Building Blocks’ goals.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Join the site supervisor in coordinating overall target-site programming and ensuring the overall success of the project.

  • Share in monitoring the success of activities and in taking responsibility for the successful realization of project goals.

  • Share in evaluating the project activities.

  • Help develop plans for recruitment, resident planning meetings, and larger goals of mobilizing resident energies and developing strong resident networks.

  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • ​Student organizer (spring semester)
  • Site assessments (spring semester)
  • Post-program evaluation (summer and fall semester)
  • Long-term site assistance (summer and fall semester)

"Interning at Building Blocks was a priceless experience. I learned so many of the core competencies in my nonprofit program and believe this experience is why I landed a job as soon as I graduated."

Sarah, Nonprofit Leadership and Communication

  • Facebook - Black Circle
  • Instagram - Black Circle

phone: (269) 389-9928


address: 1009 E Stockbridge Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49001

@ by Building Blocks of Kalamazoo. All rights reserved. Designed by SMEADcreative.

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